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Beyond THC and CBD - Exploring Other Cannabinoids

Hempco LogoHempco Admin
6 Mins. Read

The cannabis and hemp plants are some of the most versatile and abundant plant species on the planet, with a wide variety of essential cannabinoids present in each plant. Cannabis contains over 100 active cannabinoids in the plant, with THC and CBD being the most well-known, researched and acknowledged. 

However, that still leaves over 90 cannabinoids in these plants left to explore, and the possibilities of what each of these cannabinoids can provide are endless.

There's no denying that the sheer volume of benefits THC and CBD provide is nothing shy of miraculous, but that does not mean other cannabinoids can't give just as many unique and life-changing benefits.

Keep reading to delve into a small discovery of some of these different individual cannabinoids and their uses;

Delta 8 THC 

Delta 8 THC is becoming an increasingly popular cannabinoid around the world, especially in America and Canada. Delta 8 is one of the most commonly found cannabinoids in the cannabis and hemp plants, and similarly to its sister Delta 9 (thc), Delta 8 is also psychoactive. 

However, despite its similarity to THC, Delta 8 actually offers different effects than traditional delta 9 does. Delta 8 has a similar molecular structure to Delta 9, but the psychoactive effects are slightly milder than traditional THC products.

Some common effects users can experience from Delta 9 are antiemetic, anxiolytic, appetite-Stimulation, analgesic and it contains Neuroprotective Properties.

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THCV - Tetrahydrocannabivarin 

THCV, otherwise known as 'diet weed', is a very interesting cannabinoid that is found in the cannabis plant. THCV has a mild psychoactive effect similar to THC but needs to be taken in much larger quantities and is much milder than typical THC 8 or THC9. 

THCV has been undergoing studies recently due to its 'diet' properties shown in animal studies. So far, research suggests that THCV may be a natural hunger suppressor by blocking the CB1 receptor (appetite stimulator).

Unfortunately, little is known about exactly how and why THCV has this effect and how conclusive the studies are still needed to be discovered. Still, over time, more and more research will come into play surrounding THCV and its possible 'diet' properties. 

THCV has also undergone research surrounding certain diseases like Parkinson's, acne, fatty liver disease, acne and epilepsy and has so shown good results regarding a natural treatment option for some of the mentioned diseases. 

THCP- Tetrahydrocannabiphorol

THCP is a very interesting but mildly intimidating compound in the cannabis plant. THCP is believed to be around 30 times stronger than traditional THC, making it an extremely potent compound. THCP is 30 times more effective at switching on our biological receptors in the body - which respond to cannabinoids. 

THCP is, of course, a psychoactive compound. Another similar sister to THC, this compound is very interesting - but not for the weak. THCP potency makes it an excellent choice for helping people deal with nausea, pain relief and sleep issues, similarly to THC- just much, much more potent!

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CBG - Cannabigerol 

CBG is another cannabis-based compound that is derived from young cannabis or hemp plants and has been gaining in popularity in recent years thanks to recent studies. CBG occurs in very small amounts in cannabis plants but has a substantial significant effect.

Despite the lack of research and human trials surrounding CBG, it is believed that CBG imitates endocannabinoids our bodies naturally produce and then binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors in order to deliver benefits for your body. 

Unlike THC, CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabis compound and offers a fantastic alternative for people who want the benefits of cannabis - without the 'high'.

CBG is believed to strengthen the anandamide - a neurotransmitter that is responsible for regulating pleasure, motivation, appetite, sleep and pain. By doing this, CBG provides a multitude of benefits for your body. 

Studies have also shown that CBG may also be an effective treatment for some medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, Huntington's disease, and glaucoma, as well as possibly having anticancer and anti-bacterial properties! 

CBDP- Cannabidiphoral 

CBDP is one of the newer cannabinoids that has been discovered, as more and more research is being done on the cannabis and hemp plants. CBDP is believed to be a mirror or THCP, meaning that like THCP, scientists believe CBDP is a stronger and more potent form of CBD.

Basically, CBDP is a hyperactive form of CBD and given the fact that THCP is a stronger version of THC, scientists reckon the same could be said for CBDP.

So, what makes CBDP stand out? Well besides the obvious, CBPD may offer an excellent solution for people who do not find CBD strong enough to help, and cant or choose not to use a psychoactive compound instead.

CBDP can generally just act in place of CBD, and as such, can be used to treat many of the same ailments or disorders that CBD is used for. Commonly, CBD and CBDP would be used to help with sleep problems, anxiety symptoms, pain relief, depression, epilepsy, nausea and much more. 

HHC - Hexahydrocannabidiol 

HHC is a new and exciting cannabis-based compound that is currently booming across the cannabis industry. The reason HHC is making headlines? This is a psychoactive compound most similar to THC but benefits from not having THC in its name.

Like delta 8, HHC is a compound that hasn't been made illegal in many countries worldwide despite its psychoactive properties. 

HHC occurs in tiny amounts naturally in cannabis, making it unattainable naturally. However, it is very easy to convert HHC from another compound, such as CBD, which many manufacturers are choosing to do now. 

A very interesting cannabinoid indeed, research surrounding HHC is minor compared to other cannabinoids available. However, the little research that has been done so far seems to suggest that HHC provides tremendous pain relieving benefits as well as reducing breast cancer cells and tumour growth.

HHC is definitely a fascinating compound, and considering its availability and affordability due to its simple CBD conversion method - HHC is definitely a compound to keep your eye on! 

CBC - Cannabichromene 

CBC is another potent cannabinoid that is present in the cannabis and hemp plants which also offers unique health benefits for its users. CBC is a non-psychoactive compound - meaning users won't experience a 'high' from using it. Relatively new to the market, CBC's benefits are still being explored today. 

CBC is considered a very powerful and potent anti-inflammatory and may contribute mainly to cannabis's overall unique anti-inflammatory properties. This makes CBC a perfect choice for people looking to use cannabis-based products to deal with any inflammation in the body. 

However, the downfall of CBC is that it only binds to one receptor - the CB2 receptor. This receptor focuses on the immune system instead of the brain. Wrapped up, this means that it is believed that CBC works better when combined with other cannabinoids that target the CB2 receptor for a more well-balanced healing potential.

CBN- Cannabinol 

CBN is not a commonly known or talked about cannabinoid, despite providing a huge range of wonderful benefits for its users. CBN typically occurs as THC ages, so it is largely found in older cannabis flowers.

One of the biggest draws of CBN is that like a lot of other beneficial cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp, CBN is not psychoactive and can be safely used without the risk of getting ‘high’. 

CBN may not be regularly available in every country, but some countries that have legalised the use of cannabis have started offering CBN isolates or other products that contain higher levels of CBN. This allows users to enjoy the wide range of the specific benefits that are offered.

CBN is believed to provide antibacterial benefits, be neuroprotective, stimulate appetites, provide wonderful anti-inflammatory properties as well as potentially helping treat glaucoma!

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The sheer volume of cannabinoids and their unique properties present in the cannabis plant is unmatched in any other plant. Each cannabinoid brings something different to the table and focuses on specific areas of the body, meaning there is a cannabinoid for everyone!

Breaking apart the specific cannabinoids and looking at their own interactions can also help us understand the overall potential health benefits of cannabis as a whole.
