2021 Has already been a massive year for the Hemp Industry, with lots of exciting Hemp News to cover! We're about six months in and there have been serious leaps and bounds made when it comes to varietal trials, Hemp Processing, and Hemp product research and development.
From new revelations with advanced Hemp textiles down to the development of Hemp insulation in construction projects, this year is truly revealing the commercial potential of Industrial Hemp.
It's incredible to see the amount of interest being taken in this industry this year, and we only anticipate more to come!
This week, we're going to take a look at 10 breakthroughs in the Hemp Industry in 2021 so far.
In Australia, the Hemp industry is growing more and more every day. With this, we're also learning more and more about different varieties of cannabis and the best ways to grow them in Australia. Knowing the best way to grow Hemp firstly depends on what you're growing for.
With the emergence of this industry in Australia, we are finally getting more field data that will ultimately improve the harvest of seed, fibre, hurd, and meeting THC requirements in the Australian climates.
If you're interested in Hemp farming in Australia, check out our blog about licencing!
Some amazing news for patients! Queensland is finally getting it's very own medicinal cannabis farm.
This has been a long time coming, and with this facility being built, Queensland will soon be able to meet the growing demand for cannabis products in the state.
This facility will supply both the domestic and international markets - a win for the medical system & the economy!
We're very excited to announce that our new Hemp Fibre Processing facility was turned on for the first time. We're still optimising the equipment before launching full-scale processing for Hemp Hurd and Fibre. We'll keep everyone up to date with this project as it continues to progress!
Hemp Fibre seems to be having a remarkable year in the spotlight! One of the latest revelations when it comes to the uses for Hemp Fibre is the ability to turn it into a bio-leather (or eco-leather).
Made with 20-30% Hemp biomass that's been turned into a dust and natural oils, the goal for this new operation is to establish a solid local supply chain.
Hemp fibre product development is really in full swing this year! The company in question is getting into advanced product research and development, in particular, carbon fibre, talc, fibreglass, and calcium carbonate.
This is one such company that also claims to have figured out how to produce Graphene from Hemp fibre.
The same company is also looking to set up yet another processing facility in Detroit that's expected to produce around 300 million pounds annually.
This year, we started construction on the first home in Western Australia that was built with Hempcrete made from locally grown Hemp Hurd!
This was a huge step in our operations, and we couldn't be more excited to continue the mission of helping create a thriving Hemp industry in Western Australia! This will be great for both the economy, the people living them, and the environment.
The energy drink company 'Rockstar', owned by PepsiCo, is getting into the CBD game! With the latest announcement of their new CBD-infused canned beverage in Europe, we would imagine that this is the start of a new trend! We don't expect it will be too long until other major corporations begin to move in the same trajectory.
A few weeks after turning on our processing facility, we had yet another arrival. The HempCutter is a world-class machine that's specially designed for harvesting Hemp, and we have had the incredible opportunity to bring it right here to Western Australia!
Using this machine for the first time was an incredible experience, and it's safe to say it was a worthwhile investment.
The product harvested by this new machinery will be carted off to our Hemp Processing facility which is situated just down the road from our farms in Margaret River, Western Australia.
CBG is a newly popular cannabinoid that has found itself in the spotlight for its diverse range of speculated health benefits. Much like all cannabinoids, prohibitionist nations have been wary of CBG.
On the other hand, the latest news on the block is that Europe has given CBG the green light for cosmetic use!
CBG has numerous benefits for overall health and wellbeing, and with its inclusion of the European Cosmetics Database, the benefits for skincare will also start coming to light. We can only hope to see similar here in Australia soon!
With the rise of Hemp as a building material, entrepreneurs all across the world have been investigating new ways to implement Hemp in the building process.
Besides Hempcrete and Hemp Wood, Hemp fibre can also be used to make incredible insulation for the very houses that it's been used to build.
The time has come for production on a commercial scale. A U.S Hemp building material manufacturer has started the planning of a factory to produce insulation!
This is a huge step forward for the industry, and we can't wait to see where this development leads.