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Hemp seed oil has so many uses, and one of the most common is in skincare. The oil used is usually unrefined so that it maintains all of its skin nourishing properties. When hemp seed oil is in its unrefined state, it has a clear green colour and a nutty flavour. It has been used commercially in the general production of all kinds of cosmetic products, from moisturisers to lip balms. And if it can be done commercially, it can also be used for creating all sorts of  healthy, do-it-yourself skincare treatments.

So what exactly is involved in converting this plant into something that works on your skin? Keep reading to find out.

Grow Hemp

Hemp growing is one of the easiest things for a farmer to do. Hemp is a strain of Cannabis Sativa plant that contains less than 0.3% of the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It instead can be rich in Cannabidiol (CBD) which is known to have several healing properties, plus omega 3,6 & 9, food for your skin. CBD mainly comes from the flower and leaf of the Hemp plant.

For the longest time, hemp farming had been considered illegal due to its affiliation with marijuana, the high THC containing variant of Cannabis. It has recently been legalised in a number of countries around the world, and since then, farmers are realising the amazing potential of the plant.

Growing hemp does not require special care since it is very hardy. But for yields, attention has to be made. It blossoms in various soil types and climates, and does not require a lot of water to grow and is generally resistant to pests. This makes it a very eco-friendly crop since water wastage and pesticide use are detrimental to the environment. 

Harvest Hemp by Hand

Separate Seed from Plant

Threshing refers to the removal of grains and seeds from the chaff and husk of the plant. It is achieved through the mechanical loosening of edible plant parts. Usually the machines applied can handle the whole plant, but sometimes it may only be able to take small buds or umbels.

Cold Press Hemp Seed

Hemp seed oil is the cousin of CBD oil. While the extraction of CBD oil involves complex processes with machines and maybe solvents, hemp seed oil is more easily derived. Seed oils are mostly extracted using a press machine and hemp seeds are not excluded from this procedure. 

Cold-pressing means that during this process, the temperature must not exceed 120 degrees fahrenheit. Oils extracted in this way retain their genuine flavour, aroma,and nutrients.  This means that it has a lovely greenish tint and a grassy flavor.

Seed press machines may be a traditional screw press or a reducing screw design. You first put seed into the seed hopper, and then an expeller screw presses them. The oil is then transported through canals where it is separated from the pulp. At this point, is pure and unprocessed - or, unrefined.


Mix Hemp Seed Oil with Skincare Formula

Hemp skin care is great for the skin. There are several formulas with which you can create an awesome, organic product for your skin. Here’s a simple one! 🙂

You need only 3 ingredients and 2 tools: Hemp seed oil, jojoba oil, rosehip or lavender oil. Get a clean bottle which should be filled to three-quarters. Half of this amount should be hemp seed oil while the other jojoba. You can then follow up with 15 drops of the essential oil of your choice. This is then followed by more hemp seed oil. 

This recipe can be altered depending on tastes. Argan oil can replace jojoba. Grapeseed oil is great for acne-prone skin while avocado oil does wonders for dry or aging skin.

Store for Use

Given its sensitivity to heat, it is easily oxidized. It is wise to purchase the oil in small quantities. Store it in a refrigerator and do not let it get exposed to direct heat. 15 degrees celcius is the ideal storage temperature. If placed in an unopened bottle, it may last as long as 14 months.
