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As we age, our bodies change – it's a fact of life. But what you might not realise is how those changes can impact your protein needs. Here at Margaret River Hemp Co., we're all about living a happy and healthy life, and protein plays a crucial role in that equation, especially as we get older.


Why Protein Matters More After 50

Did you know that after the age of 50, our bodies become less efficient at using protein? This means we need to consume more of it to maintain muscle mass, strength, and overall well-being. Here's the breakdown:

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Benefits of Upping Your Protein Intake

So, why should we focus on protein after 50? Here are some key benefits:

How to Get Enough Protein After 50

Now that you know why protein is so important, here are some simple tips to incorporate more into your diet:

A Note on Supplements: While a balanced diet is the best way to get your protein, protein supplements can be a helpful addition for some people, especially those who struggle to meet their daily needs through food alone.

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Stay Strong, Stay Happy

By prioritising protein after 50, you're investing in your future health and well-being. It's a simple step that can make a big difference in how you feel and function as you age. Remember, a happy body is a strong body, and protein is a key ingredient to keeping both happy!

Looking for Delicious & Nutritious Protein Options?

Explore our selection of Australian-grown hemp seeds! They're a complete protein source packed with essential amino acids, making them a perfect addition to your diet. Visit our website to learn more and discover delicious protein-powered recipes!

Fibre. It might not sound glamorous, but trust us, it's the unsung hero of the healthy eating world. While protein and fats often steal the spotlight, fibre plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies running smoothly and our guts happy.

Fibre Facts: Why We Don't Get Enough

Did you know most Australians are falling short on their daily fibre intake? The recommended daily intake is 30g for men and 25g for women, yet the average Aussie consumes only around 20-25g. This gap can lead to digestive issues, blood sugar imbalances, and even an increased risk of certain health problems.

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The Powerhouse Nutrient

So, what exactly is fibre? It's the indigestible part of plant-based foods. Unlike other carbohydrates, our bodies can't break down fibre completely. But here's the cool part: that doesn't mean it's useless! Fibre actually acts like a superhero in our digestive system:

Fibre Fiesta: Where to Find This Powerhouse

Now that you know why fibre is cool, let's explore where to find it! Here are some fibre-rich options you can add to your diet:

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Hemp Foods: Fibre Powerhouse with Added Benefits

Hemp is a rising star in the health food world, and for good reason! Industrial hemp (the variety used for food products) is a fantastic source of fibre. Hemp seeds, in particular, are a nutritional powerhouse, containing both soluble and insoluble fibre.

Here's the extra cool part – hemp seeds offer more than just fibre. They're a complete protein source, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids your body needs. Hemp seeds are also rich in healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

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Hemp Leaf Power (for our friends overseas):

In some countries like Europe, hemp leaves are legal to consume and offer another source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. While regulations in Australia haven't caught up yet, we're excited about the potential of hemp leaves as a future fibre option!

The Curious Case of the Hemp Leaf: Benefits and the Australian Conundrum

Hemp leaves themselves are technically edible and contain a good amount of fibre, along with vitamins and minerals. However, in Australia, the sale of loose hemp leaves for human consumption is currently prohibited. This is due to regulations around THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

Industrial hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, far below the level that can cause any psychoactive effects. However, current regulations haven't yet been updated to distinguish between industrial hemp and its psychoactive cousin, marijuana. Hopefully, as research and understanding of hemp continues to grow, these regulations will be reviewed to allow for the safe consumption of hemp leaves in Australia.

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Fibre Fiesta: Get Creative in the Kitchen!

Ready to unleash the power of fibre in your meals? Check out our recipe page [link your recipe page here] for delicious and fibre-rich dishes that will keep your gut happy and your taste buds satisfied.

So, ditch the boring reputation of fibre and embrace its power! Explore the world of fibre-rich foods, and consider incorporating hemp seeds into your diet for an extra nutritional boost. Your body (and your gut) will thank you!

As we age, our bodies change, and one of the most crucial areas for attention is our bone health. Strong bones are the foundation of a long and active life, allowing us to maintain mobility, independence, and a sense of well-being. Unfortunately, factors like age, genetics, and lifestyle choices can contribute to bone loss, increasing the risk of fractures and conditions like osteoporosis.

However, there's good news! By prioritising certain lifestyle practices and exploring natural solutions, we can take charge of our bone health and build a strong foundation for an active life. And here's where hemp emerges as a potential player in this game.


Why Strong Bones Matter:

Our bones are more than just a rigid framework. They provide structure, support, and allow us to move with ease. Strong bones are essential for maintaining balance, preventing falls, and ensuring mobility as we age. Conversely, weak bones are susceptible to fractures, a significant concern for older Aussies. Fractures can lead to pain, disability, and even hospitalisation, impacting our quality of life.

Factors Affecting Bone Health:

Several factors can influence bone health throughout life, including:

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Hemp for Bone Health: A New Frontier?

While traditional methods like a calcium-rich diet and weight-bearing exercise remain crucial, research suggests hemp might offer a complementary approach to promoting bone health. Here's how:

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Building a Strong Foundation: Strategies for Healthy Bones:

Here are some key strategies to consider:


Strong bones are the foundation of a healthy and active life. By prioritising a healthy diet, regular exercise, and exploring natural approaches like those offered by hemp, we can take charge of our bone health and build a strong foundation for the years to come.

Remember, consult your doctor to create a personalised plan for maintaining strong and healthy bones. This journey to strong bones might just involve incorporating some hemp-based solutions alongside traditional methods.

Ready to explore how hemp can support your bone health? Margaret River Hemp Co. offers a range of high-quality hemp products, including:

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Australian-grown Hemp Seeds

A delicious and nutritious way to add a protein and mineral boost to your diet. Visit our website to learn more and find the perfect hemp product for you!

Have you ever considered the impact your clothing has on your overall well-being? Beyond comfort and style, the fabrics we choose can influence our energy levels and sense of harmony. At Margaret River Hemp Co., we're passionate about sustainable fashion, and we believe hemp clothing offers a unique combination of style, comfort, and potential health benefits.

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The Intriguing World of Fabric Frequencies:

The concept of clothing frequencies might sound a little out there, but it's gaining traction in holistic wellness circles. The theory suggests that different materials vibrate at specific frequencies, and these frequencies can interact with our own body's energy field. Natural materials like hemp are believed to resonate at frequencies that promote balance and well-being, while synthetic fabrics may have a disruptive effect.

While scientific research on this topic is ongoing, some studies suggest potential benefits of natural fibres:

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Hemp: Nature's Harmonic Hero:

So, where does hemp fit into this intriguing concept? According to proponents of fabric frequencies, hemp is a standout amongst natural fibres. Several sources, including Zone by Lydia and Nomads Hempwear, claim hemp resonates at a frequency of 100, mirroring the human body's natural frequency. This harmony is believed to promote feelings of calm and well-being.

Beyond Frequencies: The Proven Benefits of Hemp Clothing:

While the science on frequencies is still evolving, there are numerous well-established reasons to choose hemp clothing:

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Experience the Hemp Difference:

Whether you're drawn to the potential of fabric frequencies or simply appreciate the comfort and sustainability of natural fibres, hemp clothing is a worthwhile exploration. At Margaret River Hemp Co., we offer a wide range of stylish and comfortable hemp clothing options for men and women. Discover the difference for yourself and experience the unique blend of style, comfort, and potential well-being that hemp clothing offers.

We encourage you to explore this topic further and discover what resonates with you. At Margaret River Hemp Co., we're committed to providing high-quality hemp clothing and sharing the many benefits of this remarkable plant.

National Pet Day, on April 11th, is the perfect time to shower our furry friends with extra love and treats. This year, why not consider something super beneficial for their overall health and well-being? Here at Margaret River Hemp Co., we're barking mad about the amazing advantages of incorporating hemp (industrial hemp foods) into your pooch's diet!

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Hemp for Happy Hounds:

Hemp isn't just for humans anymore! This natural wonder is packed with goodness that can give your dog a tail-wagging boost:

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National Pet Day Special: 20% off Hemp Seed Oil!

We want you to see the difference hemp can make for your furry friend firsthand!  In honour of National Pet Day, Margaret River Hemp Co. is offering a special 20% discount on our high-quality hemp seed oil. Just use the code HAPPYPOOCH20 at checkout.

Adding Hemp to Your Dog's Diet:

Hemp seed oil is a convenient way to introduce hemp into your dog's diet. Simply add a few drops to their regular food – start with a small amount and gradually increase based on your dog's size.

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Important Note:

Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to your dog's diet, especially if they have any underlying health conditions.This National Pet Day, celebrate your furry companion with the gift of health and happiness!

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Australian Grown Hemp Seed Oil

Shop our hemp seed oil using the code HAPPYPOOCH20 and witness the pawsome power of hemp for yourself!

At Margaret River Hemp Co., we're passionate about natural wellness and believe in the power of whole, unprocessed foods. Vegetable oils have become a staple in modern cooking, but the journey these oils take from plant to plate can be concerning. While a drizzle of high-quality olive oil can enhance a dish, many commercially available vegetable oils have undergone harsh processing techniques that strip away their inherent goodness and may introduce unwanted elements.

Processed Vegetable Oils

From Industrial Use to Kitchen Counter:

The history of vegetable oils is fascinating. While civilisations like the Egyptians used olive oil for lamps, vegetable oils primarily served industrial purposes until the Middle Ages, lubricating machinery and waterproofing textiles. This utilitarian past hints at the potentially harsh processing these oils can endure even today.

The Refining Frenzy: Stripping Away the Good Stuff

The vegetable oils lining supermarket shelves are a far cry from their natural state.

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Modern refining often involves:

The Hydrogenation Hook: A Recipe for Trouble

In the early 20th century, hydrogenation was introduced to solidify vegetable oils, creating margarine and shortening. While this innovation offered convenience, it had a dark side. This process transforms healthy unsaturated fats into trans fats, which are linked to a variety of health concerns like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Hidden Dangers: Beyond the Refining Process

Processed Vegetable Oils

A Healthier Approach to Cooking with Oils

At Margaret River Hemp Co., we believe in a more natural approach to cooking.

Here are some tips to consider:

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The Bottom Line: Quality Matters

While vegetable oils offer convenience and can be a part of a balanced diet, be mindful of the processing methods involved. Opting for unrefined options and using them sparingly can help you reap the benefits of these plant-based fats while minimising the potential health risks. Here at Margaret River Hemp Co., we advocate for a return to using whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. We're also big believers in exploring the potential of alternative healthy fats like those found in hemp seeds, and that's why we take pride in our organic hemp seed oil.

Remember, sometimes the path from "lube to lunch" is paved with less-than-ideal processes. By making informed choices about the oils you use, you can promote a healthier and more natural approach to cooking.

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Rest assured our range of hemp seed oil products are cold-pressed and made from organic Australian grown seeds!

Craving a getaway that's luxurious, eco-friendly, and quintessentially Australian? Look no further than a stay in a hemp holiday home! Scattered across the country, these unique escapes offer a chance to immerse yourself in nature's beauty while experiencing the innovative world of hemp building.

Why Hemp Homes?

Hemp, a fast-growing and versatile plant, is revolutionising the construction industry. Hempcrete, a bio-composite made from hemp and lime, offers a range of benefits for homeowners and the environment:

Discover Your Dream Hemp Escape:

Western Australia:

Indica Hemp House
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New South Wales:

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Beyond the Walls:

A hemp holiday home is more than just a place to stay. It's a chance to experience a new way of living – one that's in harmony with nature. These unique escapes are scattered across the country, offering a taste of diverse landscapes and local experiences.

Ready to plan your hemp holiday? Do some research online to find the perfect location for your next adventure. Escape the ordinary and discover the beauty and benefits of a hemp homestay!

In an era where wellness meets indulgence, hemp-infused chocolate is emerging as the connoisseur's choice. It's not just a treat; it's a testament to how we can enjoy the sweeter things in life without compromising on health. Margaret River Hemp Co. is at the forefront of this delicious revolution, crafting chocolates that blend the rich, velvety luxury of cacao with the nutritional powerhouse of hemp seeds.

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The Special Blend of Hemp and Chocolate

Why Hemp?

The Power of Cacao

Crafting the Perfect Bar

Margaret River Hemp Co.'s hemp chocolate is more than just candy. It's a carefully crafted blend of:

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The Health Benefits Unwrapped

Hemp chocolate isn't just delicious; it's also incredibly beneficial:

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Why Margaret River Hemp Co. Stands Out

Our commitment to sustainability and health shines through in our chocolate. Each bar is:


Margaret River Hemp Co. invites you to indulge wisely with our hemp-infused chocolates. It's a choice that satisfies not just your sweet tooth but also your body's needs for nutrition and your spirit's desire for sustainability. Join us in redefining indulgence for the health-conscious era.

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Experience the blend of luxury and wellness with Margaret River Hemp Co.'s hemp-infused chocolate. Indulge wisely — your body, taste buds, and the planet will thank you.

In recent years, there's been a significant shift towards natural materials in various aspects of our lives. From clothing to bedding, the benefits of going natural have been widely acknowledged, particularly in healthcare settings. The transition from synthetic to linen bedding in hospitals is a testament to this trend, highlighting the importance of natural materials for our health and well-being. But this raises an intriguing question: If we recognise the immense benefits of natural materials for ourselves, why not extend this thoughtful consideration to our beloved pets?

Understanding Hemp Bedding

What is Hemp Bedding?

Hemp bedding originates from the hemp plant, a versatile and sustainable crop known for its low environmental impact. Unlike traditional cotton or synthetic materials, hemp requires minimal water, no pesticides, and has a fast growth rate, making it an eco-friendly option right from cultivation to disposal.

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The Rise of Hemp Bedding for Pets

As pet owners become increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint and the health of their furry friends, hemp bedding has surged in popularity. This shift towards hemp is driven by a desire for healthier, more sustainable pet care options that align with eco-conscious values.

The Advantages of Hemp Bedding for Pets

Hypoallergenic Properties

One of the standout benefits of hemp bedding is its hypoallergenic nature. Pets, much like humans, can suffer from allergies and sensitivities. Hemp bedding offers a safe haven, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and providing a comfortable environment for pets with sensitive skin or respiratory issues.

Durability Meets Comfort

Despite its rugged durability, hemp also boasts a surprising softness, providing a comfortable rest for pets. Its durability ensures that the bedding remains intact longer, resisting wear and tear from daily use.

Superior Absorbency and Odour Control

Hemp's natural absorbency is unparalleled, effectively managing moisture to keep the bedding dry and comfortable for pets. Additionally, its odour-controlling properties ensure that unpleasant smells are kept at bay, maintaining a fresher environment for both pets and their owners.

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Eco-Friendly Choice

Choosing hemp bedding is a step towards sustainable pet care. Its biodegradability and minimal environmental footprint make hemp an eco-conscious alternative to traditional pet bedding materials. By opting for hemp, pet owners contribute to reducing the demand for resources-intensive products, paving the way for a greener planet.

Natural Antimicrobial Benefits

Hemp naturally resists mould and mildew, common concerns in pet bedding. This antimicrobial property not only contributes to a healthier living space for pets but also reduces the risk of infections and diseases. With hemp bedding, pets enjoy a cleaner, safer environment, which is especially beneficial for those with compromised immune systems or allergies.

Hemp Bedding Vs. Traditional Pet Bedding

When comparing hemp to traditional pet bedding materials like pine or cedar shavings and synthetic fabrics, the differences are stark. Traditional materials often contain chemicals or irritants that can harm pets, particularly those with sensitivities. Additionally, they may not offer the same level of odour control or moisture management, leading to less hygienic living conditions.

In contrast, hemp stands out for its health and environmental benefits. Its hypoallergenic properties, combined with superior absorbency and odour control, make it a superior choice for pet owners who prioritise their pets' health and comfort. Furthermore, its sustainability and low environmental impact align with the growing trend towards more eco-friendly pet care practices.

Quality is key when selecting hemp bedding. Look for products that are pure hemp with no added chemicals or synthetic materials. Many pet stores and online retailers now offer a range of hemp bedding options. Reading reviews and researching brands can help ensure that you choose a high-quality product that's best for your pet.

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The shift towards natural materials in our lives has shown significant benefits for human health and the environment. With the undeniable advantages of hemp bedding for pets, it's time we extend the same thoughtful consideration towards our furry family members. Hemp bedding not only offers a hypoallergenic, comfortable, and durable option for our pets but also aligns with eco-friendly practices, contributing to a healthier planet.

By choosing hemp bedding, pet owners can ensure their pets enjoy a cleaner, safer, and more comfortable living space, all while supporting sustainable agriculture and reducing environmental impact. The switch to hemp is more than just a choice of bedding; it's a step towards a more natural, healthy, and eco-conscious lifestyle for our pets.

In Australia, the story of hemp—a plant with a long history of industrial, medicinal, and nutritional use—has taken a curious turn with its legal status for human consumption contrasting sharply with its regulation for pets. The journey of hemp from a banned substance to a supermarket staple for humans, while still facing restrictions in the pet food market, highlights a regulatory inconsistency that merits a deeper examination.


The Legalisation of Hemp Foods for Humans

In November 2017, Australia and New Zealand made headlines by legalising hemp foods for human consumption. This decision was the culmination of efforts by advocates and researchers who highlighted hemp's nutritional benefits, particularly its high levels of plant-based protein and essential fatty acids. The change in legislation was backed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), which emphasised the low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in hemp, effectively eliminating the psychoactive risks associated with cannabis. 【15†source】

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The Nutritional Powerhouse: Hemp

Hemp seeds, oil, and protein are celebrated for their nutritional profile, boasting a rich content of amino acids, Omega 3, 6, and 9, and natural anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits extend beyond humans to pets, with hemp products often recommended for animals suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and general wellness concerns. The versatility of hemp, from seed to oil, allows for a wide range of uses in food products, further supporting the argument for its inclusion in pet diets. 【14†source】

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The Regulatory Divide: Hemp for Pets

Despite the recognised benefits of hemp for humans, the regulatory landscape for hemp-based pet products remains complex and restrictive. Each Australian state and territory has its own set of rules governing the cultivation, processing, and sale of industrial hemp, with a strict emphasis on maintaining THC levels below 1%. These regulations ensure the crop's non-psychoactive status but also contribute to the regulatory hurdles faced by hemp products intended for pets.

This disparity raises questions about the basis for such differentiation, especially when the scientific community has extensively documented hemp's safety and nutritional benefits. The situation becomes even more puzzling considering the push for sustainability and natural products in the pet food industry, which aligns with the advantages offered by hemp. 【16†source】

A Call for Regulatory Harmony

The case for harmonising regulations on hemp for pets with those for human consumption is strong. Not only would it simplify the legal landscape, but it would also unlock the nutritional potential of hemp for a wider audience, including our four-legged friends. Advocates argue for evidence-based regulation that recognises the negligible THC content in industrial hemp and its significant health benefits.

Moreover, the growth of the hemp industry could bring economic benefits through job creation and sustainable agriculture practices, further supporting the case for regulatory reform. The success of hemp foods in human markets, underscored by the diverse range of products now available, from hemp chocolates to beer, showcases the plant's versatility and appeal.

The Way Forward

As Australia continues to navigate the complexities of cannabis regulation, the story of hemp for pets serves as a reminder of the need for policies that reflect scientific evidence and public sentiment. The potential for hemp to contribute to the health and wellness of pets, parallel to its benefits for humans, warrants a reevaluation of current regulations. Stakeholders, including industry leaders, veterinarians, and pet owners, are advocating for change, hoping to see a future where hemp's full potential can be realised across the board.

In conclusion, the curious case of hemp food for pets in Australia is more than just a regulatory puzzle; it's a call to action for a more consistent, evidence-based approach to cannabis laws. As the conversation around cannabis evolves globally, Australia has the opportunity to lead by example, ensuring that both humans and pets can enjoy the natural benefits of hemp.
